Types of Wastewater

Blackwater toilet water water with toxic chemicals hazardous, kept separate and treated properly Greywater household water dishwashers, sinks, laundry, etc. decomposes faster than blackwater less harmful and can be reused for non-drinking purposes without treatment can be used for irrigation if it doesn’t contain phosphates, bleach, etc. Rain & Storm water surface runoff cannot infiltrateContinue reading “Types of Wastewater”

Potable Water

Water from lakes/rivers are not drinkable unless treated correctly because surface runoff and sewers carry contaminants into the waterways that are connected to those lakes/rivers. It is only drinkable if treated chemically to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. Surface water in lakes, rivers, swamps and other bodies of water often contain impurities that make itContinue reading “Potable Water”

Urban Waste/Landfills

The more people there are, the more: littering air pollution (leading to acid rain) pavement (less natural infiltration and more surface runoff) salt and oil (from roads) there are. All of those are washed to nearby rivers/streams, forming garbage patches to wherever those waterways lead to. Toxins and microplastics leak from landfills and infiltrate intoContinue reading “Urban Waste/Landfills”

Water Pollution

(Some) Sources of Pollution Point Source = direct/single sourceNon-point Source = indirect/multiple sources Many sources of water pollution belong to either sediment, nutrients, chemicals, or pathogens. Lead found in drinking water from lead piping systems toxic even in small portions Household Chemicals cleaning products bleach pharmaceuticals dissolves in the water, making them extremely hard toContinue reading “Water Pollution”

Sources of Freshwater

Surface Water (0.102mil km3) pools at the surface rivers, lakes, wetlands, etc. Ground Water (10.7mil km3) flows through rocks and soil underground sources of water aquifers accessed through wells/pumps Glaciers/Polar Ice Sheets (24.4mil km3) glaciers are on land, polar ice sheets are domed sheets of ice at the Poles inaccessible when frozen 20% of accessibleContinue reading “Sources of Freshwater”

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