Last Thoughts

This unit was first me freaking out about how I didn’t know like any of the water facts that I was supposed to have learned from last year (teacher did not give us anything concerning water specifically last year *sobs*) Then, it was scrambling to study how treatment stuff works. The vertical learning and otherContinue reading “Last Thoughts”

Solutions to Water Quality

Some solutions for some specific problems: 1. Acid Rain Ban coal globally Try to artificially provide nutrients for the coral that are affected by acid rain as, hopefully, the microorganisms start growing back Manually adjust pH using natural materials Raise awareness about the consequences of acid rain Cut back on air pollution in general walk/bikeContinue reading “Solutions to Water Quality”

Wastewater Treatment

Preliminary Treatment removes most of the solids that were washed into the sewer system in the grit tank removes hygenie products that shouldn’t be there the debris is transported to landfills Primary Treatment separates organic solid matter (human waste) from the water in the primary settling tank treated in Solids Processing Secondary Treatment aeration toContinue reading “Wastewater Treatment”

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