Water Conservation

10 Easy Ways to Practice Water Conservation at Home | Mike Diamond

Since Earth is facing a water crisis, humans should do their part to help! Especially since the crisis is because of them~

Benefits of Water Conservation

A few ways to help conserve water include:

  • Eat less meat
  • Turn off taps
  • Choose plants that don’t require watering for lawns
  • Collect greywater for watering plants
  • Shorten shower time/don’t bath
  • Fix leaks
  • Dual-flush toilets
  • Don’t change products (ie. phones/cars) often
  • Wash car at proper car wash
  • Don’t play with water (ie. water balloons)
  • Reduce food waste
  • Install water-saving appliances
  • Use rain barrels
  • Install green roofs
  • Don’t give money to companies that buy land and contribute to water scarcity
  • Pressure government
  • Vote for eco-friendly governments
  • Educate others to conserve water
Simple tips on home water conservation - DeMark Home Ontario

Conserving water doesn’t just have to be using less water, after all, there is much more water in the products you’re using or the food that you’re eating than how much you drink or how long you shower.

The four main ways that water is used are personal, manufacturing, industrial and agricultural and well, it’s quite hard to impact the latter three main uses, so you should start with yourself!

Residential water use in the U.S. and Canada - Wikipedia

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