Solutions to Water Quality

Some solutions for some specific problems:

What Acid Rain Is and Ways to Restore the Damage It Causes

1. Acid Rain

  • Ban coal globally
  • Try to artificially provide nutrients for the coral that are affected by acid rain as, hopefully, the microorganisms start growing back
  • Manually adjust pH using natural materials
  • Raise awareness about the consequences of acid rain
  • Cut back on air pollution in general
    • walk/bike instead of driving
  • Research about how to revive coral
Pesticides and Fertilizers Used in Farming Pollute Waterways |  Environmental Pollution Centers

2. Fertilizers/Pesticides (non-eco-friendly ones)

  • Use eco-friendly alternatives
  • Grow them in areas where they don’t require extra fertilizer/pesticides (ie. greenhouses)
  • Use animal/plant waste as fertilizer (as opposed to disposing of them)
  • Buy produce that state that they weren’t grown with pesticides (Farmers’ Markets/organic produce)

In general, just try to conserve water and dump everything in the correct places.


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